Eat the Reich
Ty, wampirzy komandos, zostajesz zrzucony w trumnie do okupowanego Paryża i musisz przeciąć krwawą drogę przez siły nazistowskie w drodze do ostatecznego celu: wypicia całej krwi Adolfa Hitlera.
Pytania? Niepotrzebne.
Akcja na przypale? No chyba.
A tu zajawka:
Założenia Link to heading
- To jest gra o wampirach zabiających w brutalny sposób nazistów w trakcie II WŚ, pijących ich krew i rozrywających ich ciała. Jeśli masz z tym opisem nie po drodze, to nie jest to gra dla Ciebie.
- Ta gra to jeden wielki trigger warning. Co nie znaczy, że nie będzie granic. Twarde mury stawiam przed gwałtem i przemocą wobec dzieci. Reszta do przegadania przed sesją. Proszę o poważne przemyślenie, co chcecie mieć na sesji a co tylko tolerujecie.
- To gra o prościutkiej (prymitywnej wręcz) mechanice, w której GŁÓWNĄ KONTROLĘ NARRACYJNĄ MAJĄ GRACZE. MG głównie reżyseruje sceny, dba o przebieg rozrywki i pilnuje rozdziału spotlightu, ale 70% treści gry stanowią opisy graczy. To Wy decydujecie, co jest kanonicze. O ostatecznym sukcesie decydują kości, ale w kontekście fikcji jedyne co Was ogranicza, to postacie innych gracze i ich zgoda na wydarzenia w przygodzie.
Linki: Link to heading
- Karty postaci
- Alchemy VTT/AeCzN6XRp
- Watch2Gether
- BAMF Podcast: wywiad z autorem
- Rough Start: omówienie zasad przez autora
- Zgubne Granie: sesja w EtR [PL]
- Prawilna playlista na Spotify
Skrót zasad [ENG] Link to heading
1. Core Mechanics Link to heading
Stats Link to heading
- BRAWL: Close combat.
- CON: Persuasion and charisma.
- FIX: Repair and modify.
- SEARCH: Investigation.
- SHOOT: Ranged combat.
- SNEAK: Stealth.
- TERRIFY: Intimidation.
Dice Pools Link to heading
- Determine the stat for your action.
- Add dice based on your stat rating.
- Add dice for equipment or abilities (pay costs if required).
- Satisfy bonus conditions for additional dice.
- GM rolls dice equal to the Threat’s Attack rating.
Success and Allocation Link to heading
- Success (4-5): 1 effect.
- Critical (6): 2 effects or activate SPECIAL abilities.
Allocate dice to: Link to heading
- Advance Objectives: Reduce Objective rating.
- Eliminate Threats: Reduce Threat rating.
- Defend: Remove GM’s Attack dice.
- Feed: Gain Blood (1 per success, 2 per critical).
- Activate Specials: Requires critical.
Turn Order Link to heading
- GM decides player turn order.
- Once all players act, GM resolves reinforcements.
2. Combat and Challenges Link to heading
Objectives and Threats Link to heading
- Objectives: Tasks rated 2-12. Completed at rating 0.
- Threats: Enemies rated by strength and Attack dice. Reduced to 0 when eliminated.
Reinforcements Link to heading
- At the end of a round:
- Restore Threats to 1D6 rating and halve their starting Attack rating.
- Increase active Threats’ Attack by 1.
Challenge Link to heading
- Certain Objectives/Threats absorb successes equal to their Challenge rating each turn.
- Example: Challenge 2 negates 2 successes per turn.
3. Blood and Injuries Link to heading
Blood Link to heading
- Start with 0 Blood.
- Use successes to gain Blood.
- Spend Blood to activate abilities or heal Injuries (3 Blood per Injury).
Injuries Link to heading
- Mark an Injury if GM’s Attack dice remain after defense.
- Roll a D6 to determine Injury type. Each type has two stages.
- At second stage, apply penalties (e.g., reduced stats, limited equipment use).
Downed Link to heading
- If GM has 3+ Attack dice remaining after defense:
- Mark all Injury boxes in one category.
- Become Downed until another player rescues you (new Objective: rating 2-4).
Death Link to heading
- Marking all six Injury boxes results in death.
- Perform a Last Stand: Roll 8D6 and allocate to Objectives/Threats.
4. Gameplay Flow Link to heading
Scene Structure Link to heading
- Briefing: Establish mission and initial Objectives.
- Coffinfall: Players choose drop zone in Sector 3.
- Action: Players tackle Objectives and Threats.
- Climax: Confront Hitler aboard his zeppelin.
- Epilogue: Resolve character fates.
Flashbacks Link to heading
- Trigger once per session after rolling 2 or fewer successes.
- Describe a past mission scene.
- Gain 2 bonus dice and reroll the pool.
Loot Link to heading
- Once per Objective, gain equipment with 3 uses and a bonus requirement.
- Final use adds 1 bonus die to the pool.
5. Special Rules Link to heading
Übermenschen Link to heading
- Supernatural enemies with higher stats.
- Their blood grants access to advances on player sheets.
Secondary Objectives Link to heading
Optional tasks granting bonuses:
- Reduce Threat or Objective ratings.
- Gain Blood or equipment.